Friday, January 29, 2010


Aren't friends great?! I am usually quieter and haven't always had TONS of friends, but I have definitely had those few close very meaningful friendships.

Something I learned from "the momozone" is: If someone in your life doesn't either inspire you, make a good business partner, make you laugh, etc...then what are they even doing in your life?! You don't have time for that, you could be using that time to build your future and be doing what you love, or be spending time with better more positive people.

I love momo, and if you haven't heard of him before, he is a motivator and inspiring multi media artist. I highly suggest you check out some of his videos on youtube at

As momo says, surround yourself with good people! Go be with the ones who will make you laugh sooo hard, and the ones who will be there for you when you don't see the light. And if you don't feel like you have any friends and everything seems so hopeless, I will be your friend! Just remember that I believe in you 100%!!!! I want to say THANK YOU to all of the friends who have brought joy and laughter and good times to my life. Go out and be a true friend to someone who needs it. And by the way, if you are reading this, thanks to tineasha gutierrez for being my very first follower--I am so excited! Good luck to your blog too : )

The pictures I posted are some from high school and college...just good times with friends!



Thursday, January 28, 2010

Seeing and Discovering

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves"

-John Muir

These are pictures of Glacier National Park and other places around Montana. The pictures only capture a glimpse of the majesty and beauty of these areas. I truly have respect for nature! The strength and power is so astounding. Anytime I visit the ocean or mountains, I am taken aback. There is something so peaceful and moving about the natural beauty of the earth.
My family and I took a trip up to Montana to visit my aunt and uncle. We went up to Glacier and drove around the park for two or three hours. The road led us up along the mountains further and further. It got so cold and REALLY high! I am terrified of heights!!! I stuck my head out of the window--like a dog--to feel the wind and excitement of all that was around me. We saw tons of lakes, rivers, waterfalls, mountains, trees, and it was just beautiful! I love to explore and see new things. If you ever have the chance, go out there and discover! There is so much to see and experience, and it is important to let yourself be a part of the beauty that is all around! : )
P.S. I am new at this, it might take a while to really get everything set up the way I want!!